Ahern Nelson

Denver, CO github.com/ahernnelson
USA (720) 937-6517



BS, Mathematics, Statistics Concentration; Metropolitan State University of Denver

Minor: Computer Science

GPA: 3.63


Learning Assistant:
* Lecturer and Aide for College Algebra Course of 35+.
* Planned activities and lessons that promoted active and inquiry-based learning methods. Met with students during office to address individual challenges and questions.
* Participated in semester long training investigating learning styles and teaching methods.
* Received positive student evaluations at end of year assessment.

Research Assistant

  • Managed and formatted dataset of E. coli populations spanning 4 years. Published reproducible transparent record of all alterations to GitHub.
  • Aggregated and imputed non periodic sparse time observations to a coarser scale for time series trend modeling using the R programming language.
  • Investigated links between E. coli and human factors using seasonal time series (ARIMA) models.
  • Our models disqualified several policy influencing hypotheses about E. coli population sources and safe thresholds for E. coli.
  • Presented findings to non-profit at Undergraduate Research Conference. Recommendations about data collection process delivered to nonprofit Groundwork Denver and Denver Water.

Mathematics Tutor

  • Tutor for both lower and upper division undergraduate math courses ranging from College Algebra to Topology.
  • Provide students with assistance and guidance in developing a conceptual understanding of mathematical modes of thought.
  • Mastered communication skills necessary to convey information to a broad base of learning styles.
  • Provide students with guided practice to facilitate successful application of theories.

Technical Experience

New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey
  • Led large scale research project analyzing housing quality in New York City.
  • Developed pipeline to recode and concatenate several misaligned data sets using tidyverse tools.
  • Constructed statistical index quantifying housing quality.
  • Developed visualization dashboard using plot.ly and shiny.
  • Investigated the relationship between our index and poverty and implemented a quantile regression.
Visualization Dashboard
  • Developed two web applications for Metropolitan State University of Denver using the Shiny framework in R.
  • In 2019 I independently developed an interactive app visualizing results of a Faculty Equity and Inclusion Survey. Live: https://ahern.shinyapps.io/survey_application/
  • In 2017 I worked with faculty to build a visualization tool to investigate the types of errors made on mathematics exams. Code: https://github.com/ahernnelson/Shiny-App
Programming Languages
R programming: Advanced in cleangin, manipulation, analysis, modeling, visualization, and nonsense

Python: Advanced in pandas, numpy, sklearn, statsmodels, keras, etc. Adept in development.

Julia: Obscure language that I kind of know. We both know this one’s pushing it.

Basic knowledge of SQL, MATLAB


Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
  • Study Abroad Program Fall 2018
  • Enrolled in Measure Theory, Complex Functions, and Functional Analysis
Metropolitan State University of Denver Actuarial Club
  • Passed the first two exams P/1 and FM/2
  • Served as Vice President Spring 2017 - Fall 2018